The 2A ArchTalk Dubai- May 2023

7th ‘2A ArchTalk’ Forum & Workshop May 24th & 25th, 2023


Approaches: Designing with Gaia in Mind  &  New life, New Space  [Nomadism, Mobility, Work & Study from Distance]

Professional Vision and Approach:

Integrating Various Aspects of Architectural Development in Dubai and Publishing of the Noteworthy Architectural Projects with the Focus on Enhancement of Social, Cultural, Environmental and Economical Aspects to Create A Well-Balanced And A Brighter Lifestyle.

This Edition Offers A Unique Opportunity for Everyone to Interact Under One Forum to Expand and Enhance their Professional Network and Publish in 2A International Magazine, And A peek Into the Future of Architecture and Design By Joining Our 2A Movement and Creating A Fresh Atmosphere of Resonance in Creativity.

Note 1: Based on the Organizational plan, the ceremony for the presentation and unveiling of the edition will be held in Canadian University Dubai where professionals and the contributors such as Architects, Designers, Researches, Academics, Developers and Realtors etc. meet together.

Note 2: 2A ArchTalk: A Forum for International Architectural Interaction and Exchanging Theories and Practices

2A Archtalk International Forum “Conference” : [May 25th, 2023 From 15.30 to 19.30], Organized by: 2A Institute of Architecture & Culture – 2A Magazine  &  Hosted by: Canadian University Dubai, Sponsored By: ROOTS CAPITAL


–  Focusing on “DESIGNING FOR GAIA” : ARCHITECTURE FOR CLIMATE EMERGENCY  [Toward A Planet-Centered Design Approach & From Human Centered to Planet Centered Design]

Description: The 2A Magazine, in its effort to remain at the edge of contemporary architecture and artistic debate and creation, organizes a combined series of events under the heading “Designing with Gaia in mind.” This initiative aims to raise awareness about the threat and the consequences our planet faces due to human activities forcing nature to adapt to our species’ ambitions. As of now, we have been facing a hardly blessed nature roaring against us the question raised is what Architecture can do to lead the establishment of a new playbook for the new condition that is unfolding around us. What can architecture do to encourage humans, its permanent and perpetual addressee, to rethink the substance and the role of human beings on the planet; not as the dominant creature assigned to design an artificial environment to live in, but as an inseparable extension of the nature hardly depended upon its forces, conditions, and dynamic flows. What can Architecture do to drive the human, a by-nature design animal,’ towards artificializes supported by new technologies and addressed to a new conception of living on earth, with nature, by nature, for nature, the mother, Gaia?


5th 2A ArchTalk Speakers:

Gisela Loehlein (Ph.D)

Topic: AI and sustainability

Constantin Victor Spiridonids (Ph.D)

Topic: Designing For Gaia:
Architecture & Climate Energy

Kourosh Salehi

Topic: Vertical cities and Urban Metabolism

Matthew Utley Grimshaw

Topic: Terra-The Sustainability Pavilion

Ali Amiri (Ph.D)

Topic: Toward Net Zero Construction – The Role of Embodies Carbon

Graham Mckay


Shahram Agaajani

Topic: Architecture, a contextual art of building

Adriana Graur

Topic: Design Innovations Re-modeling the Outlook of the City

Sandra Woodall

Topic: Contemporary sustainable and climatic responsive design solutions based on the principles of traditional desert urbanism

Rashad Bukhash

Topic: Sustainability in traditional architecture

Leila Araghian

Topic: A bridge to connect people

Ahmad Zohadi

Introduction: Toward Creating & Maintaining Balance

2A Architectural Workshop [One day workshop, May 25th From 9.30 to 13.30], Organized by: 2A Institute of Architecture & Art – 2A Magazine  &  Academic Partner: Institute of Advanced Architecture in Catalonia (IaaC)  &  Hosted by: Canadian University Dubai

Theme: Towards Net Zero Construction – The Role of Embodied Carbon

Ali Amiri – Professor

Mitra Esmailzadeh (ph.D) – Assistant

Visiting Plan1:

2A ArchTalk- Visiting [May 24th From 9.30 to 12.00]


Visiting the Sustainability Pavilion EXPO CITY with Pavilion’s Architect [Matthew Utley Grimshaw]

Visiting Plan 2:

2A ArchTalk- Visiting [May 25th From 12.30 to 14.00]


Visiting around the project of Dubai Burj Gate with Graham MaKay with the theme of “HACKING THE CITY” “REVISITING DUBAI”

Note: “Graham McKay lived in Dubai for twelve years. The occasion of this talk will be the first time he has visited since leaving in 2020. “Revisiting Dubai” and imagining future scenarios for it is the theme of his contributions to this event.”

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