The 2A ArchTalk Dubai- November 2022

“2A ArchTalk is A Comprehensive Platform the International Architectural Interaction & Communication”

The theme:

Local + Global
Rethinking the Local and Global in a fast-changing World

In the dynamics of our inter-dependent and fast-changing societies, the global appears to be implicitly or explicitly prioritized in architectural thinking, practice, and education: By the extended use of new technologies in design and construction, by the speed of information diffusion through the World Wide Web, by the internationally established evaluation standards, by the legislative framework controlling the mobility of architects and the harmonization of architectural education, by the internationalized industrial production, etc.

The local is encouraged by the expectation of a multicultural society in a global economy, by the will to follow cultural continuities, by the locally established value systems and practices, by the respect of the tradition as a convergent background of stability and permanence from which virtually the innovative can be detached, defined and tested.

To what extent is the local or can be a dynamic source of inspiration, creativity, and innovation in contemporary architectural thinking and practice?

Session 1:Local+Global: Innovative mergings in a fast-changing world

Can architectural practice and education contribute to the creation of a contemporary narrative on the ‘glocal’ which will glorify the simultaneity and co-presence of the particular with the broadly accepted, of the specific with the universal, of the emergent with the imported?

Session 2: Local+Global: Creative Symbioses in a fast-changing world

Can architectural practice and education contribute to the enhancement of the role of the symbiosis of the local and the global in contemporary architectural experimentations?

Session 3: Local+Global:
Local wisdom and advanced global know-how in a fast-changing world

How can architectural practice and education promote the inspirational power of the local to be supported or amalgamated by advanced global know-how?

Session 4: Education + Practice: Creative synergies in a fast-changing world

Are our educational environments protective of the integrity of local architectural cultures when they are exposed to fresh ideas generated by international experiences?

The 2A ArchTalk Forum has been held in November 18th and 19th, 2022 at Canadian University Dubai based on the four sessions schedule.

Note: The ArchTalk 2022 contents and themes have been provided by Ahmad Zohadi : Head of Organizing Committee  &  Dr. Constantin Spiridonidis: Member of the Organizing Committee, Organized by: 2A Magazine

The 2A ArchTalk Forum (Terminates Lecture, 10 Minutes Speech) by Inviting International Architectural Group of Professionals from around the world has been held effectively in Canadian University Dubai in November 18th & 19th, 2022

Themes: Innovative Contextual Architecture In the Continents & Education Methods of Architecture & Design from Various Universities in the Middle East

Speakers and topics of their talk [presentation] which have been done in 2A ArchTalk Forum:

Dr. Constantin Victor Spiridonidis “Design Intelligence”, 

Dr. Raed Qaqish “Meta-verse and Architecture Education” ,

 Dr. Maha Salman “Futuristic Trends in Architecture Education”,

Cristiano Luchetti “Learning the reality”

, Kourosh Salehi “How Public is the Public Realm”

 Timothy Winstanley “3D Printing and Modeling”

 Mohammed Balila “Redefining The ‘Classroom

Zeinab Naouar “Creative Methods in Design Teaching”

 Yevgeniy Doldyrin “Embracing Nature, Enriching Future”

 Islam El Mashtooly “In-complete”

Zardasht Aziz “Architecture in Hostility”

 Mouaz Abouzaid “Opportunities/Revitalizing rural communities”

 Saniya Zhakulina “Architecture that tells a Story”

 Yang Huey Mak “Embracing Nature, Enriching Future”

Shaghayegh Nemati “Absorbent sand storm skyscraper”

Shahram Agaajani “What is the significance of architecture and its role in our Society today?”

The 2A ArchTalk 2022 has been held as the unique opportunities for professional growth of interaction and exchanging the ideas, to enhance learning and gaining a boarder perspective about the field of architecture & design which has been held successfully in Dubai, November 18th- 19th, 2022.

Note : the video clip of the speakers have been shown in

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